dburtsev (dburtsev) wrote,

Лидер Black Lives Matter - белый

Black Lives Matter activist and blogger Shaun King has denied through his social media accounts that he lied about being biracial and the victim of a racially charged assault.
Over the past few weeks, several conservative media websites have published posts discrediting pieces of information King, 35, has shared about his life. King became a prominent leader in the Black Lives Matter movement after the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, 2014...
Breitbart claims to have acquired a King birth certificate that shows a white man is his father. The piece goes on to cite a 2012 interview where King said he was the son of a black father and white mother...
The Black Conservatives Fund, a black conservative organization, has offered to give $25,000 to Black Lives Matter if, in the next 24 hours, King can "authenticate his claim, that he is in fact, black," according to a statement posted Thursday on the organization's website.
Tags: США, расизм

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